Bubalus Bubalis! – Cam Chau Rice Paddies – Hoi An, Vietnam

They say that you should try something new once a week to keep life interesting. We agree with that mentality. So when a Vietnamese farmer doing a third world squat on top of a water buffalo waves to us from the rice paddies as we’re cycling by, of course we’re going to stop.
Being the animal lover that she is, Christine didn’t hesitate to pet the buffalo, then jump up for a few pictures. Kevin was quick to follow suit. The farmers had a laugh taking pictures of us, and the buffalo was in good spirits, probably excited to take a break from actual work. Then they asked us for some money to “feed baby water buffalo” (while making a pregnant motion with their hand).
We should have seen that one coming! It’s to be expected in these parts. After some terrible negotiating on Kevin’s part, we parted ways with a few bucks, some pictures, and a good story!